Why is this important?
According to a recent survey, about one out of four vehicle owners changes their own motor oil and filters.
It is also assumed that a significant number of these individuals own and work on more than one vehicle.
Every year, these Do-It-Yourselfers (DIYs) will dump
millions of gallons of used oil into the groundwater;
and about 95% of all used DIY-purchased oil filters
will ultimately end up in landfills.
It has been estimated that the amount of
oil dumped by DIYs is about equal to the
amount spilled by the Exxon Valdez
every ten days.
Every ton of used oil filters contains up to 1,800 pounds of steel and about 60 gallons of recyclable oil.
This steel is highly recyclable and reclaiming used oil takes significantly less energy than the processing virgin petroleum stock.
Recycled steel products are used to make 100% of the rebar in the US; and re-refined used oil has been demonstrated to have the same quality and characteristics as new oil made from raw petroleum stock.
Dumping results in not only the loss of these resources, but also creates high cleanup costs and collateral environmental problems.
It may also cause health issues if children play in a contaminated area.
A single pint of used motor oil can foul about 125,000 gallons of potable water – more than you will drink in your lifetime!
Illegal dumping has led the Federal Environmental Protection Agency to cite used motor oil dumping as a primary cause of waterway pollution.
What can be done?
California Assembly Bill 939 requires cities to monitor
and divert solid waste from landfills where possible
The California Integrated Waste Management Board and others
have determined that education by itself can not
create nor sustain positive DIY behavior change
So . . . local government, citizens, and stakeholders
need to work together to implement a solution
and that is precisely what Recoil and TurtleBac provide.
The RecOil Solution
Recoil is designed to mitigate damage caused by DIYs through a three-phase program with:
- An Educational Component
- A Practical and Easy To Use Tool
- A Simplified Collection Process
RecOil is a powerful, simple to implement program that brings the community together to mitigate illegal dumping and to reclaim and recycle natural resources
RecOil Goals
The Recoil Program is adaptable, and able to meet the unique circumstances presented by each city.
The following goals are representative of the program:
- Educating the public about used oil and filter problems
- Providing resources and simple to use solutions
- Mitigating local and downstream oil-related damage
- Reclaiming used oil and filters for recycling
- Reducing dependence on foreign oil
The Educational Component
Participants in the Recoil Program are provided with either classroom training, a DVD, or both.
However presented, the Educational Component emphasizes:
- Economic and environmental perspectives
- How and why DIY's must become part of the solution
- How to install and use the tool
- How to stay involved
- Bringing the program to others
The Tool
Participants in the Recoil Program are provided with a simple to use tool that enables them to change their motor oil quickly, cleanly, safely and easily.
- The tool may be provided free of charge or at a minimal cost, depending on the city’s preferences.
- Families with multiple vehicles need only one tool, but an extension kit is required for each additional vehicle.
- The tool comes with instructions and a limited warranty
The Collection Process
In cities with RecOil, trash hauler curbside pickup of the used motor oil and filters is highly encouraged. There are several other options, including using an outside service or bringing used oil and filters to an approved collection center.
- Ideally, the used oil and filters are placed at curbside on an assigned day
- Sometimes, a call needs to be made to schedule a pick-up
- The City uses the collection data to determine metrics and program success
The Role of the City
Most cities employ a Waste Oil Coordinator / Administrator.
RecOil is designed with this individual in mind. The RecOil Program overlaps other programs and recycling efforts, so the work would not change much, other than to provide some additional publicity, perhaps manage a few contracts and/or grants, and, most importantly, to gather metrics
on the viability of the RecOil effort.
The Role of Pareto Point Industries
In addition to manufacturing the Recoil Oil Evacuation and Extension Kits, the PPI staff has designed the program with significant flexibiliy in mind.
We can assist the cities in customizing the program to meet their needs.
PPI can also assist by:
- Providing classroom or DVD training
- Ensuring that participants receive kits
- Promoting the Program at city events
- Providing some limited assistance in locating funding
- Using our experiences and resources to help the City Coordinator plan their implementation strategy
- Suggesting strategies to achieve sustainability
Other Stakeholders
- Federal and State Government may provide grants that can offset some or even all of the Program costs.
- Corporations and Foundations may fund part or even all of the program.
- In-Kind Contributors may offer incentives to participants, such as local auto parts stores offering discounts or even promotional or free items to Program participants.
- Local Schools Habits are impressed early in our lives. Students learning to drive can also learn how to manage vehicle-related problems.
Suggested Start Point
The ideal way to implement the program is on a trial or pilot program basis of at least two years.
During this period, the goal should be to move up to 500 citizens through the Program. This allows word-of-mouth, the best and cheapest advertising possible, to help sustain the Program into the future.
PPI will be happy to meet with your representatives to determine the best options for your city.