The AirSource purifier was featured in a Fox News segment and recommended by an allergist on the channel 5 news. It has been chosen as a featured product in magazines like Home, Lifetime Fitness, and Popular Science, which put it to the test and gave it all As.
If you want to check it out personally, you can see the AirSource unit, which has been a big hit with pet owners because of its great odor reducing abilities, in the lobby and veterinarians office of the Inland Valley Humane Society and SPCA as part of the AirSource For Pets program. Where $50 from every purchase by a pet owner is donated to a local pet program.
Test Results
Lab Tests See Lab Results at
Sneeze Test
Average Sneeze microbial reduction: 78%
Matress Test
Tested and approved by
the Chinese Government
for protection against
97% airborne bacterial
85% odor reduction
97% reduction of airborne mold, bacteria, and fungus
To match the air cleaning volume of:
One AirSource 3000, you would have to use:
sevenHEPA units, which would
consume a total of:
twentyonefilters in the course
of a year
Living Air These are ozone producing machines. Some people have sen-
sitivities to ozone and its smell that may include dry throat, itchy eyes,
nausea, nose and throat irritation and others. The sanitation mode that
lowers bacteria and mold can only be used when humans or animals are not present and their tests were performed in a 125sq ft room not at 3000 sq ft like our. They are not proven to reduce small particulates.
Sharper Image Ionic Breeze
Consumer reports Feb 2002
Proved unimpressive in our test. Disappointing per-formance. We found almost no measurable reduction in airborne articles. Only covers one room, requires con-stant cleaning, and does not reduce particles smaller than 1 micron.
HEPA Filters
only cover one room and rely on the contaminant passing thru it to work. Frequent and costly filter changes, and very noisy